Fairy Tale Day Adventure
You step into a magical world and something small, white, and furry lands on your shoulder before hopping off again.
That was a white monkey with a blue ribbon around her neck. And she stole your earring!
“Sorry about Bibi! She loves sparkly things.” The young woman picks up the monkey and takes the earring out of her tiny paw before handing it back to you. “My name is Alanna. Welcome to the Queendom of Isandariyah.”
“A queendom?” you ask. “Does that mean women rule everything here?”
She laughs brightly. “I wouldn’t say that. There are a lot of powerful women in the queendom, but there are plenty of strong men here, too. Including the queen’s seven sons.” She ran her hand smoothly down her corset in a cocky pose. “I managed to woo the oldest prince, but that’s a story for another day.”
You are curious about that story, but ask your question. “I’m looking for words of power. Do you know where I can find one here?”
Alanna grins. “There’s a lot of power in the queendom, especially for those who have a Spark.”
At your confused look, she says, “Magic!”
She lifts her hand and curls a finger, like she is beckoning something, but you aren’t sure what. Suddenly, a warm breeze brushes against your cheek, before fluttering through your hair and flying away.
Alanna flicks her finger, and a cold gust of air blows the warm breeze away.
She gives you a significant look. “Feels like something powerful is brewing.”
What is brewing?

If you are interested in fairy tale adventures in Isandariyah, check out the Heart of the Queendom series starting with A Spark of Storms.